Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The virtue of forgetfulness!!

I can't seem to remember the exact quote but what it essentially meant was that we are able to live our lives simply because we have the gift of being able to forget. Well, if that be the case, I'd surely be one of the superior specimens in the human specie.

Infact I have started loving my forgetfulness to an extent. It indicates a little about my moving on, readjusting myself and eventually sieving in only those who matter to me the most. The others and I don't remember most about them.

Let me run you through an example here. Somewhere in March I remembered that I had forgottens somebody's birthday and I would keep telling myself.. oh how could I forget Nov 21st, How could I forget Nov 21 was the person's birthday...until a few days ago I remembered that it was not Nov 21 but September 21 which was that person's birthday.

So there, if I remember your birthday and you'd know if I had to make any efforts for the same, well then be reasonably assured, you are among those very few important people in my life :).

PS : The dates mentioned above are fictitious. The person I am talking about was not born on Sept 21. :) Therefore if I have ever forgotten your birthday, it could very well be your story that I have mentioned above. (mood : Sadistic mirthless laughter)