Friday, September 09, 2005

Food for thought - flavour tangerine

I have always loved the arguements, the debates, the discussions (heated and otherwise). They always fill me up with far more knowledge than most books and classes. I have learned more about Finance and Economics from my brother over constitutionals (after dinner walks aye!) than from 3 semester courses on the subject. I have been exposed to some amazing philosophies over phone conversations with my kid sisters, things which makes you smile to yourself, which make you feel that you exist at an elevated intellectual level. :) I have derived more 'kick' out of an arguements with Majhi than a what you get from a pint of vodka martini (shaken and stirred).

People, there are fewer things on this planet cooler than an intelligent conversation with someone who understands what you are speaking about. You'd agree to that! Dont you?
Now for reasons still unknown to me, I have found my extended family to be full of such people. My cousins usually have better and more potent arguements. They generally come up with certain stunner of a point which is so refreshingly devastating (pray allow me to use that combination of words) to your side of the arguement that you are left gaping in awe at the beauty of it all. And then, with some ingenuity, you counter it with an even more profound logic and this cycle continues.

Further on, you ocassionaly come across those who do not participate very actively in those discussions. Not that they are incapable of understanding that argument. Infact they are far more capable of putting forth splendid ideas because they have been there and they have done that. Its just that, they seem to have evolved past this discussion. That they have swum the currents of a rapid 17 and you are still at the turbulence level of a jacuzzi.

Oh well!! I am still grinning from this super philospohy that struck me over a phone conversation with Neha. Well, to set you forth - we don't think...humans are incapable of deriving any pleasure from thought at all or so I think... or so I feel! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

humans dont derive any pleasure from thought??!! really??!!

3:55 AM  
Blogger VB said...

I am probably bringing it down to the very specifics, the absolute techincal if I may use the word. Thought though I am putting it inadequately is more of a sensation.
When you think about your favourite movie - you FEEL pleasure. When you think about the soldier who died you FEEL anger or sympathy. You take a decision because of the way it affects you emotionally, because of the way it makes you feel.

Circuitous reasoning??? Well What can I say...think about it :)

11:11 AM  
Blogger neha said...

I guess I am going to sound a lot more patronising than I usually wish to, but ah well,,,, this once let me humour you ;P
Most of your extended family would not be capable of having such wonderful discussions among themselves, you somehow know how to hit the right topic with the right person. I shudder to think what would happen if you start economics or finance with me. on the other hand, it is not ocassionaly that I come across those who do not participate very actively in these discussions.
Ummm, not looking forward to your leaving US!

4:21 AM  

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