Monday, March 28, 2005

Infinite Improbability in Florida - Security Excess

Kale had told me that he always gets into the thorough security check every time. He was trying to find out the reasons for why it happens to him every time. I am joining the queue. On the way to and back from San Francisco – got referred to the thorough security check. Hadn’t really understood what he meant when Kale told me then, but now I understand his angst. It’s not exactly pleasurable; since you are about the only one being searched thoroughly at the airport while everybody else just passes by.

If Kale gets searched every time and I seem to be following suit, then there are two explanations – both of us are doing that same set of things which puts you into the thorough security check or its just something to do with the color of your skin. For all practical reasons, it seems it’s more to do with the latter. If you are an Asian with an Asian document for identification, you are more than likely to go through the thorough security check and that’s what sucks.

Again, the guy at SFO airport, a Chinese, was atleast a little sweet. He was courteous if nothing else while doing the checking. Did his job perfectly, maybe better than the guy at TPA, but at the end, passed on my shoes and stuff to me and tried to do some small talk, the same small talk which is the foundation stone of American pretence of courtesy.

The American on the TPA airport wasn’t even courteous.

The logic in favor of the thorough security check of course is that it keeps everybody safe, including me. That I should not be complaining because they have a right to carry out the security check and that they can do that check for any number of people as long as they think it’s necessary for the safety of the passengers.

Agreed. But why haven’t I ever found a white guy with blond hair ever subjected to the same security check. BTW, since my gate was pretty close to the security check; I did go have a look a couple of times – didn’t find anybody being checked; and didn’t catch any Indians in the queue.

Come on, I am not going to corroborate this; we all know the thorough security check is only for brown skin or muslims names. I don’t think those who have both get VISA’s to the country.

Since, I can’t do anything about it right now, there is not much that I would; right now. But somehow the Indian customs guy screwing the American’s happiness at the airport and making a lil mullah off him for all that he might be carrying; doesn’t seem very inappropriate after today. The notice on the Chinese port of entry at Shenzhen, where it said that American Passport holders will not be given visa at the port of entry while most other countries would be, now has my heartfelt endorsement and support.

When Israel, with all the terrorism that it has gone through did not resort to such craven and scared tactics; when England, with all the IRA against it did not start checking every fair looking guy’s baggage inside out; when Pakistani officials still exhibit courtesies to Indian tourists in spite of 3 wars and a painful partition – any expectation that I should understand this American scared shitless “Ooohh please , somebody is coming over to bomb me and make sure that I am exterminated” behavior is a little too much.

To put it simply, I am not going to harm anyone, I am not going to call for Jehad against them either – but let’s be pretty clear – they don’t beget any courtesy from me.


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